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What is Predictive Sleep?

What is Predictive Sleep?

Predictive Sleep is our smartest baby sleep technology to date. Predictive Sleep takes inputs, such as previous nap length and Baby’s age, to predict the time a parent can expect to see sleepy cues and anticipate their baby’s sleep pressure to have reached the point that they are ready, but not overtired, for their next sleep session.

Your newborn’s sleep cycles are not yet fully developed and may seem sporadic. By tracking their sleep sessions, Predictive Sleep will help you recognize when your baby should start to show their own sleepy cues and will help you know when you should be putting your baby down for a nap. Watch your baby’s body language and sleepy cues for behaviors such as rubbing their eyes, big yawns, or acting extra fussy. You should always follow your baby’s cues, and knowing what to look for will help you navigate through sleep regressions and developmental milestones. Your baby’s wake windows will change as they grow, which is why it’s important to consider their own sleep pressure rather than expect a wake window based on their age alone.

Wake windows are not one size fits all. They’re fluid and personal to each baby. Predictive Sleep follows your baby’s own sleep patterns, then guides you to support better sleep habits, which can mean better sleep for everyone. Sleep can seem complicated and supporting your baby with sleep during regressions, teething, illness and milestones can be overwhelming. Predictive Sleep tracks your baby’s sleep trends as their sleep changes and supports those changes for you, so you don’t have to become a sleep expert yourself.

Our Predictive Sleep Technology utilizes neuro-protective sleep science and behavioral sleep intervention practices, also leveraging the sleep-wake homeostasis. The sleep-wake homeostat is driven by a sleep hormone that builds pressure until it reaches a tipping point, which causes sleep. This builds throughout the day, but for infants and children it builds more frequently and a daytime nap—or naps—are required. These naps can be 20 minutes to 3 hours long depending on the sleep your baby feels they need, the amount of sleep they previously had, how long they have been awake, age and their developmental stage.

Tracking sleep has never been easier than with our Dream Sock or our Cam 2. Predictive Sleep will utilize your Owlet Sock sessions to track your baby’s sleep and give you the next expected sleep session window. You can also manually track sleep or edit sleep sessions. Within the Routine tab you can see all of your baby’s sleep sessions for the week and the total amount of sleep they have achieved each day to ensure they are getting what they need for healthy growth and development.