Parents Stories

Owlet Blog

"If our Dream Sock hadn’t alerted us, I’m not sure we would have gotten to him when we did."

"If our Dream Sock hadn’t alerted us, I’m not sure we would have gotten to him when we did."

"We put our son to bed on a Wednesday night, and approximately an hour later, we were alerted by our Owlet Dream Sock to low oxygen. When we came in, he wasn’t breathing. After 15 seconds of trying various ways to wake him up, he began breathing again. We took him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with RSV. If our Dream Sock hadn’t alerted us, I’m not sure we would have gotten to him when we did." - Jessica W.

Share your Owlet story here.

*As a reminder, Dream Sock® is intended to track your baby's pulse rate and oxygen level and keep parents informed, but it is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or other condition including, but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and/or Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).