Parents Stories

Owlet Blog

"I was woken up by our Owlet Dream Sock notifying me."

"I was woken up by our Owlet Dream Sock notifying me."

"When Emberlyn was a baby, I had put her to bed in her bassinet and in the night she had wiggled herself up against the side wall of the bassinet which did not have breathable fabric. I was woken up by our Owlet Dream Sock notifying me that Emberlyn had low oxygen and to check on her. I found her with her face smashed into the side of the bassinet. I will forever be thankful for our Dream Sock notifying me of this!!" - Bekah F.

Share your Owlet story here.

*As a reminder, Dream Sock® is intended to track babies’ heart rate and oxygen level and keep parents informed, but it is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or other condition including, but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and/or Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).