
Owlet Blog

Always a Mother: Embracing Love and Loss

Always a Mother: Embracing Love and Loss

Owlet Cares is our advocacy initiative that is dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of babies and parents. One way we do this is by partnering with nonprofits all over the world who share our mission. These groups participate in our 3:1 match program. When they purchase one Owlet product, we match it with two, meaning three families are reached.

Each month, we shine a spotlight on one of our foundation partners and the important work they are doing. This month, we’d like to introduce you to No Foot Too Small - an organization dedicated to increasing awareness about pregnancy and infant loss. 

We recognize that losing a child is a challenging and deeply personal experience for anyone who goes through it and this courageous No Foot Too Small mom is choosing to share her story anonymously. 

In her words, here is her story and her advice for other bereaved parents. 

Author: Anonymous

The Whisper of "Mom"

I can still feel the emptiness that followed the news of my miscarriage. It was a profound silence, filled with the echoes of a future that would never unfold. The world seemed oblivious to the fact that I was a mom—but from the moment I knew of my baby’s existence, I loved, I planned, and I dreamed, just like any other parent. 

Left without a child in my arms, my heart wrestled with the question ‘Was I still a mother?’

It was at a No Foot Too Small Moms’ Group almost a decade later, sitting next to other grieving parents, where I first heard it spoken aloud: "Mom." It was such a simple acknowledgment from a woman I had never met, yet one that pierced through the fog of my grief. That word, spoken with genuine compassion, validated my unseen journey of motherhood for what felt like the first time. It reassured me that my love, my loss, and my identity as a mom were as real as anyone’s.

Being given that title was a gift that forever altered how I show up in the world, and ultimately how I show up today in honor of the child I lost. Now as a member of the team at No Foot Too Small, it is a privilege to share that same gift with other grieving parents every day. 

No Foot Too Small: Support Through Connection

  • Our Mission: At No Foot Too Small, we believe in celebrating every life, no matter how brief. We are committed to celebrating angels, uniting families who are navigating the heartbreak of pregnancy or infant loss, and building birthing and bereavement suites across the nation.
  • Virtual Support Groups: Our virtual Moms’ Groups and Men’s Social Clubs break the bounds of geography, connecting you with other moms and dads who understand your pain and can offer comfort and companionship through shared experiences.
    Awareness and Advocacy: We tirelessly work to change the narrative and shine a light on the challenges of pregnancy and infant loss, advocating for resources and support that help heal.

You’re Invited: Celebrate Your Angels in a Book

This month, we invite you to add your angel’s name(s) to be published in the memorial section of our first book, Celebrating Angels: Stories of Pregnancy and Infant Loss. Filled with stories written by loss families for loss families, this collection will be a loving tribute to all the lives that, however brief, left imprints on our hearts. No matter what type of loss you experienced or how long ago it happened, let us remember them together. Please submit your angel’s name(s) here by July 14, 2024 to be a part of this special project.

Gentle Guidance for Bereaved Parents

In the quiet moments, I find myself reflecting on what has helped me navigate my grief over the years. While it is a deeply personal journey, I have a few gentle suggestions to share:

  • Honor Your Feelings: Let yourself mourn, be angry, or just sit in silence—no matter what it is, allow yourself to feel. Your emotions are valid and deserve space to be expressed.
  • Find Community: Join a support group and surround yourself with others who just “get it”. Sharing your story can be healing, and hearing others' can remind you that you are not alone.
  • Create Memories: Find ways to remember your child, whether it’s through writing, planting a garden, or creating new family traditions. And above all else, keep saying their name. (If you experienced an early loss like me and didn’t have a chance to choose a name before, it’s never too late to do that!)  
  • Be Kind to Yourself: Healing doesn’t follow a schedule. Be patient with yourself as you find your way forward and don’t be afraid to tell others what you want or need along the way. 

Wrapped in Love and Understanding

At No Foot Too Small, you’ll find a community ready to hold you in your moments of pain and hold your hand on the dance floor as you honor and celebrate your angels—a beautiful reminder that joy and grief can, and do, coexist. 

Maybe, like me, you need a whisper from a stranger today to help you know that you are not alone. Let’s embrace each other with understanding, share our stories with gentle courage, and walk together towards healing. For every parent who’s lost a child, know that you are seen, you are valued, and your role as a parent matters.


*The quotes, stories, and experiences included here are those of the individuals and are not representative of Owlet's views or claims about our product. Individuals were not paid and did not submit their information as part of any paid promotion by Owlet.

Disclaimer: Dream Sock® is intended to track baby's heart rate and oxygen level and keep parents informed. BabySat is a prescription-only device. Dream Sock and BabySat are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or other condition, including but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and/or Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Medical decisions should never be made solely using Dream Duo and Dream Sock data. BabySat (prescription-only), Dream Duo and Dream Sock should not substitute for the care and oversight of an adult or consultation with medical professionals.